The Worst Things About Being A Mountain Biker

Published on January 21st 2018


There are a lot of absolutely amazing things about our favourite sport. But there are a few things that every mountain biker dreads, from forgetting your tools, to riding with a carpark faffer. Subscribe to GMBN: Get exclusive GMBN gear in the GMBN store! When it's going well, mountain biking can be the absolute best sport in the world, nothing beats the feeling of really linking up your favourite trail. But there are a few things that can make even the most dedicated rider despair. Here are Blake's worst things about being a mountain biker. What are your worst things about being a mountain biker? Is there anything you think we've missed? Let us know in the comments below 👇 Watch more on GMBN... How to pump and manual 📹 Music: Bells or sorrow - hakan eriksson Car case rock and roll 9 sting - victor olsson Egyptian ducks2 - hakan eriksson Farmers lunchbreak3 - magnus ringblom growing up is just a trap - martin calberg hobgoblin - martin klem maple sytup 1 . - martin gauffin mud squelch - sfx producer. Click here to buy GMBN T-shirts, hoodies and more: